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Politics - Systems

The question
"What is Politics ?"
is worth stating again,
as is it's answer:

  1. The activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power.
  2. Activities aimed at improving someone's status or increasing power within an organization.

Courtesy of Google

And again: Others may describe politics as The Necessary Evil


Privacy Is Intimately Important To Democracy

The files and layouts is commented for the purpose of testing them and adding volume into the body. If This is useful for sure, and will help to ensure that the site works nicely once it is fully up and running.




Useless laws weaken the necessary laws.

Charles de Montesquieu






Please watch this space, for it will soon start to become populated.

Meanwhile, please enjoy other web sites also .... The National GalleryThe TateThe Louvre, and Getty Images

Source References.

The background information to any of the main articles will appear here and will remain in context.


'The Road to Freedom'

by Gerard Batten,
Forward by Tim Congdon



Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete)

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