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International - Globalism

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AMERICA'S STEP FORWARD (Corrective actions?)

Revealed:The Capital Of The New World Order

President Trump Exposes The Satanic Illuminati
New World Order!! 2016

Trump's Inside Plan To Defeat The New World Order Leaked

Trump Will Anger The New World Order When
He Arrests Hillary Clinton As President!

An interview with Roger Helmer in which Roger not only explains how he came to be a member of UKIP, working for BREXT of Britain from the European Union (not to be confused with 'Europe') but also explains how the European Commission and its structure actually in practice works.

Added on 2nd December 2016.


UK Government Petition


Source References

The background information to any of the main articles will appear here and will remain in context.

The background information to any of the main articles will appear here and will remain in context.