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Politics - Systems

What is "Socialist" ?

  1. Socialist, or socialism, is an economic theory of social organization that believes that the means of making, moving, and trading wealth should be owned or controlled by the community as a whole. In Marxist theory, it is a transitional (temporary, in between) social state between capitalism and communism.
  2. As a practice, socialism borrows from King Alfred of England's Common law basis for a constitution, in which a civic interest independent of private ownership is foretold.

In many ways, socialism if and when applied appropriately may reflect and bring into it's administration and even help maintain an element of Common Law and the common ways of life that King Alfred of England embodied through his actions when founding the constitution of rule by common law.



Useless laws weaken the necessary laws.

Charles de Montesquieu



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Source References.

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'The Road to Freedom'

by Gerard Batten,
Forward by Tim Congdon



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